Project Update : February 2024
Did not proceed - Proponent has withdrawn the proposal following exhibition.
Planning proposal
Bayside Council is inviting the community to
provide feedback on a planning proposal to amend planning controls for 187
Slade Road, Bexley North.
What is being proposed?
The planning proposal is seeking to amend Bayside Local Environmental Plan 2021 in relation to land at 187 Slade Road, Bexley North, with changes including:
- amending
the height of buildings development standard (Clause 4.3) from 16m to 20m and
35m and excluding the site from “Area 3” on the Height of Buildings Map
- amending
the floor space ratio (FSR) development standard (Clause 4.4) from 2:1 to
3.35:1 and excluding the site from “Area 7” on the FSR Map
- applying
clause 6.16 to the site which will require the preparation of a development
control plan (DCP)
- introducing
a future clause to restrict sensitive land uses and ensure notification to, and
consideration of any comment from the Department of Planning and Environment
(DPE) prior to issuing any development consent.
The proposal is intended to facilitate the redevelopment of the existing Bexley North Hotel. The development would comprise a 4-5 storey eastern building with residential apartments, small retail space fronting Slade Road, a central north-south through site link; and a 6-10 storey western building comprising a pub, retail tenancies, 50 room Hotel and residential uses above, with approximately 92 apartments across both buildings.
Click here to view the site map.
Background information
Council’s City Planning and Environment Committee considered this proposal at its meeting of 13 April 2022, wherein it resolved not to support the progression of this Planning Proposal. The recommendation of the Committee was endorsed by Council at its meeting of 27 April 2022.
In response to Council’s decision, the proponent sought a Rezoning Review through the DPE. The Rezoning Review was facilitated by the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel, who determined that the Planning Proposal had merit and should proceed to the next stage of the plan making process, being the issuing of a Gateway Determination.
A Gateway Determination was issued on 30 May 2023, enabling the Planning Proposal to proceed to public exhibition.
Additional information
A draft Planning Agreement has also been submitted in connection with the Planning Proposal. This is being considered by Council under a separate process.
Have your say
You are invited to review the Planning Proposal and provide your feedback in any of the following ways:
Online: Complete the online submission form below, or
via the NSW Planning Portal by searching PP-2022-2456
Hard copy: Submit a hard copy submission to one of our Customer Service Centres:
Written submissions must use reference F19/1273
Opening hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday at:
Eastgardens Customer Service Centre, Ground Floor, 152 Bunnerong Road, Eastgardens NSW 2036 or
Rockdale Customer Service Centre, 444-446 Princes Highway, Rockdale NSW 2216
Email: using the subject F19/1273
Post: Bayside Council, PO Box 21, Rockdale NSW 2216
The Planning Proposal will be on public exhibition from 6 November to 1 December 2023.
Next steps
Your feedback will inform the final planning controls applied to 187 Slade Road, Bexley North.
More information
For more information, please contact Council's Senior Urban Planner, Bianca Chiu, at or call (02) 9562 1616.
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