Community Engagement at Bayside

Have Your Say is Bayside Council's online community engagement platform, which serves as an opportunity and space for the community to express their creative ideas, opinions and participate within projects that matter to them.

Contributions from residents, visitors, business owners and the wider community help inform Council's decision making process to shape the future of Bayside.

Our approach to community engagement

Bayside Council is committed to engaging with the community in an inclusive, transparent and accountable way to make fair and equitable decisions that reflect the needs and aspirations of the community.

Our Community Engagement and Communications Strategy 2022-2026 details our approach to engaging and communicating with the Bayside community. It includes:

  • principles that guide our approach to engagement
  • the activities and decisions we will engage the community on
  • the level of influence the community will have
  • methods we will use to seek your input
  • notification and engagement timeframes.

Have Your Say - Community Engagement Sessions

Join us at the below engagement sessions, learn from the experts and to provide feedback on projects that matter to you.

The Community Engagement Process for Bayside