The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is Bayside’s roadmap to 2035, guiding our priorities, strategies, and success measures.

The CSP is reviewed following a council election, we are now in the final stages of completing our new updated CSP. Click here to read more about how we got here.

Your previous feedback has already shaped key priorities like better open spaces, sustainable growth, and support for vulnerable community members.

We listened to your Stage One CSP feedback

We’re committed to closing the gap between your priorities and the community’s vision for Bayside. We’ve made several updates to the final version of the CSP based on your feedback.

The CSP themes and vision reflect community aspirations and guide Council actions, making these updates essential to implementing the plan.

What’s New in the 2035 Community Strategic Plan?

We've updated the Community Strategic Plan based on your Stage One feedback.

What’s happening now?

Stage Two - We are now exhibiting the updated CSP. Did we get it right? Have Your Say.

Click here to read Bayside 2035.

How to Get Involved and Have Your Say

  • Complete our feedback form (approx. 3 minutes)
  • Come and chat with us at a pop-up session on 31 January 2025, at the Bayside Lunar New Year Festival, Cahill Park, Wolli Creek 5pm - 8pm
  • Ask a question on our Q&A tool below
  • Complete our vision quick poll
  • Post - Send your feedback titled " HYS Draft Community Strategic Plan" PO Box 21 Rockdale 2216
  • Email -

Submit your feedback - comments close on 9 February 2025

Have Your Say

Complete our 3-minute survey

Provide a short summary of your question.

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Select a respondent from the list that you would most like to answer your question.

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Community Engagement Team

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Please call the Translation and Interpreter Service on 131 450 and ask for Bayside Council in NSW.


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1300 555 727
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133 677
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0423 677 767

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If you would like the key information and submission form in another format, please contact us on 9562 1597.


Easy English and Hard Copy
Easy to read and hard copy versions of the key documents are available upon request. Please contact Council's Community Engagement team via: