The way we communicate and engage with our community shapes everyday life in Bayside. We aim to foster a sense of pride and confidence by showcasing Bayside and celebrating community achievements.

Bayside is a diverse area with residents from different backgrounds, interests, and expectations. We need to understand these varied needs to effectively connect with our community. Our Communications & Engagement Strategy outlines how we will do this.

Our Commitment to the Community

We are dedicated to:

  • Ensuring residents’ voices are heard.
  • Keeping the community informed about Council’s work, opportunities, and projects.

Our Guiding Principles

Bayside Council’s approach to communication and engagement is based on these principles:

  • Right to be involved – Everyone has the opportunity to participate.
  • Timely – Information is shared at the right time and for participation to be meaningful.
  • Accessible & inclusive – We offer a variety of participation methods to ensure everyone in our community can engage, be heard and kept informed.
  • Transparent – Open and honest communication.
  • Tailored, clear & purposeful – Messages are relevant, easy to understand and purposeful.

What’s Happening Now

We want to hear from you! Bayside Council is seeking community feedback on our Communication & Engagement Strategy. Your input will help shape how we connect with and inform our community.

Get Involved and Have Your Say

We want to hear from you, to ensure our strategy meets community expectations and needs.


Simplified Chinese translation:




ह्याभ योर से इन योर ल्याङ्गवेज अर्थात तपाईको भाषामा तपाईको भनाई राख्नुहोस्

ह्याभ योर सेवेबसाईटमा भएका सबै जानकारिहरु सजिलै अनुवाद गर्न सकिन्छ । वेवसाईटमा जानुहोस् र तपाईको भाषा छान्न र सहभागि हुन‘English’ ‘इङ्गलिश’ लेखिएकोमा ठाउँमा थिच्नुहोस् ।



在我們的 ‘发表您的意見‘ 網站上,所有的信息都可以輕鬆翻譯。

訪問 并点击 ‘English’ 按钮,然后选择您的语言即可参



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Όλες οι πληροφορίες στο Πείτε τη Γνώμη σας στο ιστότοπό μας μπορούν εύκολα να μεταφραστούν.

Επισκεφτείτε το και πατήστε το κουμπί ‘English’ για να επιλέξετε τη γλώσσα σας και να συμμετάσχετε.


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