
Under the NSW Government's Flood Prone Land Policy, all New South Wales councils are responsible for identifying and managing flood risk within their local government area.

The review of the Bayside West Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plans for the four catchment areas west of the Cooks River has been undertaken in accordance with the NSW Government’s Flood Prone Land Policy which is outlined in the NSW Government’s Floodplain Development Manual 2005. Click here to learn more about the NSW Floodplain Management Program on the NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s website.

The project

Council recently completed a review of the Floodplain Risk Management Studies for four catchments located west of the Cooks River. A Floodplain Risk Management Study determines how Council can reduce flood risks using improved response measures, structural modifications and planning controls.

This project also included a review of historical flood mitigation options, identification of new options and the preparation of a consolidated flood risk management plan for the four catchments.

Click here to read the Exhibition Summary Report. If you require further information, the full project report, including associated figures and appendices, can also be downloaded from the 'Key documents' section of this page.

What's happening now?

This public exhibition stage of the project allows the community to provide comments and input into the draft study before it is finalised and adopted by Council.

The consultant (WMAWater) assessed the suitability of a range of structural and non-structural flood mitigation options including:

Flood modification measures: Flood modification measures were identified and assessed as options to reduce flood risk. These included detention basins, levees, drainage upgrades and overland flow path improvement. Thirteen of the shortlisted options are ranked from high to low and were included in the draft plan.

Property modification measures: Land use planning, Flood planning policy and Climate change policy were investigated and recommended in the draft Plan.

Response modification measures: Flood emergency management planning, flood warning system, flood signs, depth indicators and community flood awareness were investigated and recommended in the draft Plan.

Have your say

You can have your say in any of the following ways:

Online: Complete the feedback form below

Hard copy: Submit hard copy submissions to one of Council's Service Centres which are open Monday

to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm:

Eastgardens Service Centre, Ground Floor, 152 Bunnerong Road, Eastgardens NSW 2036
Rockdale Service Centre, 444-446 Princes Highway, Rockdale NSW 2216
Hard copies of the Study and related documents are also available to view at the Centres.


Post: Bayside Council, PO Box 21, Rockdale NSW 2216

The closing date for responses is 31 January 2023.

More information

For more information, please contact Council's Strategic Floodplain Engineer on 9562 1617 or email

You can also speak to the flood modeller at WMAWater on 9299 2855 or email at

Floodplain management information on Council's website

Join our Bayside Floodplain Risk Management Committee

Council is also looking for interested community members to participate in the preparation of a Floodplain Risk Management Plan by joining Council’s Floodplain Risk Management Committee. Click here for more information on this role and to apply to become a community representative on the committee.


For more accessibility features click the purple icon at the top of the page. If you would like the

submission form in another format, please contact us on 9562 1597.

Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plans for four Catchments in Bayside West

Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plans for four Catchments in Bayside West

CLOSED: This survey has concluded.