Council is participating in the Australian Liveability Census, a national research project to better understand liveability in order to enhance local neighbourhoods.
The Australian Liveability Census is held every two years. The results are shared with all levels of government to help them make community-centric planning decisions. Place Score is the independent research organisation leading the project.
Click here to view the Information Sheet.
Why you should participate
By taking part in this national research project, sharing what matters to you, and rating your neighbourhood, you could influence hundreds of decisions by the government and the private sector that may shape the future of your area.
Have your say
Don't miss this opportunity to have a say. Click here to complete the Australian Liveability Census.
The survey can be taken in English, Mandarin, Arabic or Hindi.
The last day to complete the survey is 30 June, 2023.
Further information
To provide further feedback visit: or call (02) 8021 7027.
For more accessibility features click the purple icon at the top of the page. If you would like the key information and submission form in another format, please contact us on 9562 1597.
*Note this is a Place Score project.