
Latest Update

29 November 2013

Following extensive investigation, analysis and consultation, the Wolli Creek Traffic and Transport Study was endorsed unanimously at the 28 November 2013 Council Meeting.

The accompanying Strategic Implementation Plan lays the platform for the next steps of detailed technical design and approvals, and ensuring the feasibility of the planned works in the context of the local considerations.

The Strategic Implementation Plan categorises future works into 4 programs, covering infrastructure, operations, planning framework amendments and future studies. The timeframe for delivery of future works have been identified as short, medium or long term.

Community consultation during the Study identified concern over a number of issues especially those related to safety. In order to respond to these important community issues, the Implementation Plan has identified a number of priority projects. These include:

  • Arncliffe Street – improve pedestrian and cycle facilities
  • Guess Avenue Underpass – Improve pedestrian and cycle facilities
  • Allen St / Arncliffe St Underpass upgrade - improve pedestrian and cycle amenity. This will address the missing pedestrian/cycle link along the western side of Arncliffe Street
  • Load Limits – Investigate staged reductions
  • Street Lighting - improvements
  • Wayfinding – improve Wolli Creek Precinct wayfinding signage

Implementation of the Study recommendations will occur in ongoing consultation with the community.

The final Study report with appendices and the Strategic Implementation Plan are both available at the links below.