We have created a draft Sustainable Waste Management Strategy.
With 177,000 residents across 29 suburbs, waste management is important.
We provide waste services to 67,000 residences, including multi-unit dwellings and houses. From mixed/general waste to recycling and garden organics, our kerbside collections ensure proper disposal.
Residents get four scheduled clean-ups yearly and can attend 22 community recycling drop-off events. We service nearly 1,000 public place litter bins and tackle illegal dumping.
About this strategy
Our new strategy focuses on the circular economy, emphasizing reducing waste generation, maximizing resource use, and benefiting the environment. Centred on community involvement, our key focus areas aim to minimize landfill disposal and promote responsible citizenship and innovation.
Key Focus Areas and Targets
Target - No increase in total domestic waste generation per capita basis by 2032.
Target - No increase in total domestic waste generation per capita basis by 2032.
Target: 65% diversion of domestic waste from landfill by 2032.
80% by 2041 should advanced technologies for diversion of residual waste become viable.
Target: 99% of Bayside residents to live within 2km of a pharmacy participating in the Community Sharps Program by 2032.
Ensure best practice contracts in place to manage residual waste that cannot be recycled or used to recover energy.
Ensure specialised staff and contractors are available for wastes requiring specialised collection and disposal.
Target: To develop relevant reporting mechanisms that are consistent and support the Measurement, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) framework being developed by the NSW Government, as applicable to local government.
Re-deploy mobile illegal dumping cameras to a minimum of 18 hotspot locations every year.
Target: Develop a baseline of litter data for the Local Government Area (LGA). Establish a roadmap for litter prevention initiatives for the LGA.
Contribute to the NSW government overall NSW targets of 30%
reduction in plastic litter items by 2025 and 60% reduction in all litter items by 2030.
Target: Maintain 22 Community Recycling Drop Off Events per year to collect household problem wastes.
Investigate viability of Council drop off or collection service for additional household problem wastes.
Target: Every Bayside eligible business will be provided with an option of full suite of bin services, including general waste, recycling, and organics by 2025.
The resource recovery option offered to domestic premise will beconsistent with those offered to eligible businesses.
Target - Council will investigate viable resource recovery options for other council managed waste streams, including street sweeping, and gross pollutant traps
Introduction of separate FOGO service across the local government
area in line with the NSW Government target of net zero emissions from
organic waste by 2030.
Align with NSW Government’s Objective to achieve net zero emissions
by 2050.