Update: Due to high demand, we are now planting at a second location, Gilchrist Park, Bexley North. Register to plant a tree for mum below.

Celebrate your Mum and nurture the environment

Mayor Dr Christina Curry invites you to join her and plant a native tree in honour of the mother you would like to recognise on Saturday 13 May 2023.

Who can participate?

Families or individuals who live within the Bayside Local Government Area can register to plant a tree. Council will provide one tree per mother.

Do I need a reason?

No. For those whose mothers have passed, it is a chance to remember and create a living memorial. For those blessed to have a living mother, planting a tree is a lovely activity and a great experience to share with family and friends.

What do I need to bring?

Nothing. Council will provide the tree and tools, and staff will be on hand to assist with the tree planting.

Council will provide one tree per mother to be recognised.

Please wear suitable clothing, shoes and a hat.

When and where will the trees be planted?

Trees for Mum 2023 will take place at Gilchrist Park between 1.00pm to 3.00pm on Saturday 13 May 2023.

On arrival, register with staff who will be at Gilchrist Park, Shaw Street.

How to register

Fill up the form below to register for a tree for Mum.

A limited number of trees are available, so register now to secure your tree.


For more accessibility features click the purple icon at the top of the page.

If you would like the key documents and registration form in another format, please contact us on (02) 9562 1597.

Register here

Gilchrist Park - Plant a tree for mum

CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

Round one of registrations closed

Plant a tree for mum

Do you own the property at the address you would like to plant the tree? Required
Is the property part of a Strata scheme? Required
Are there overhead powerlines at the location? Required
Are there any other verge issues you are aware of that may affect the planting of a tree (drains, gutters, etc.)? Required
Would you like to subscribe to Bayside’s Environment and Resilience e-Newsletter? Required