A Review of Environmental Factors (REF) assessment has been completed in accordance with legislative requirements and is available to view from 3rd June 2024.

We engaged a Town Planner to prepare a Review of Environmental Factors for the proposed delivery of Sir Joseph Banks Park Amenities Building and Carpark Upgrade.

The REF found there may be some impacts limited to contamination and biodiversity, and recommended measures to minimise these impacts with the following (but not limited to) management plans:

  • Construction Environmental Management Plan
  • Aboriginal Heritage Due Diligence Assessment

An independent consultant was engaged to assess the REF and recommended its approval to Council. The potential environmental impacts related to the proposed works were found to be manageable if the REF design recommendations and mitigation measures are followed.

The assessment contained in the REF, considers the proposal is not likely to have a significant impact upon the environment or any threatened species, populations, or communities.

Bayside Council has recently undertaken significant redevelopment works at Sir Joseph Banks Park, including a new adventure playground and improvements to the existing playground.

The existing car park and amenities are in poor condition and require a substantial update to ensure they meet community needs in the future.

The project

The upgrade aims to provide the community with enhanced facilities, which will include:

  • New public amenities, including six toilets, an accessible toilet, a unisex family toilet, an open wash basin and an accessible water fountain
  • Upgrades to the car park to increase parking capacity, improve accessibility and mitigate flood-related issues

The landscape improvements will include accessible pathways into and throughout the park to ensure everyone can get around easily.

Council values the existing tree canopy in the park, and the proposed design has focused on tree retention where possible. A Tree Replacement Strategy will be implemented to mitigate the removal of any trees.

Click here to view upgraded concept drawings.

Public art element

In line with Council's newly adopted Public Art Policy, the project will feature an element of public art. The medium, form and location of the proposed art installation are currently being considered by Council.

Community input

The concept design has incorporated feedback from key user groups and community stakeholders. We are now seeking broad community input on the proposed concept designs to ensure we continue to meet community needs.

Concept design drawings

View from North East

View from North East

View from South East

View from South East

View from South West

View from South West

Aerial view

Aerial view

Have your say

You are invited to provide your feedback on the proposed upgrades in any of the following ways:

Online: via the online submission form below.

Hard copy: submit a hard copy submission to one of our Customer Service Centres.

Opening hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday at:

Eastgardens Service Centre, Ground Floor, 152 Bunnerong Road, Eastgardens NSW 2036 or
Rockdale Service Centre, 444-446 Princes Highway, Rockdale NSW 2216


Post: Bayside Council, PO Box 21, Rockdale NSW 2216.

The closing date for submissions is 30 November 2023.

Next steps

Your feedback will inform the final design for the upgrade.

More information

For more information, please contact Council's Project Architect at


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