Council has received a Planning Proposal to amend the Rockdale Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2011 that applies to land at 1A Willison Road, Carlton. The Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Rockdale Local Environmental Plan 2011 by:
- Rezoning the land from SP2 (Infrastructure) to R4 (High Density Residential);
- Introducing a maximum Height of Building of 14.5m; and
- Introducing a maximum Floor Space Ratio of 1.26:1.
The Planning Proposal and supporting information will be on exhibition from Wednesday 29 March 2017 to Thursday 27 April 2017.
The Planning Proposal and the Gateway determination issued by the Minister for Planning can be viewed below:
- Gateway Determination
- Planning Proposal
- Planning Proposal & supporting documents and
- Council report and minutes from Council meeting of 7 September 2016
Other relevant documents referred to in the Planning Proposal are provided below:
- Rockdale Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2011
- State Environmental Planning Policies; and
- Section 117 Directions.
Printed copies are also available at Council’s Customer Service Centre, Rockdale Library, 444-446 Princes Highway, Rockdale and Bexley Library, 499 Forest Road, Bexley during normal business hours.
The community is invited to provide feedback on the proposal. Submissions are due by 4:30pm on Thursday 27 April 2017 and can be provided:
Post - PO Box 21, Rockdale, NSW 2216
Via email - and
Online - Submission Form below
Please quote reference number F13/505 in your submission.
In accordance with legislative requirements, if you have made a reportable political donation or gift within the past two years, a Disclosure Statement must accompany your submission. For further information, please refer to Council's website.
If you have any enquiries, please call John McNally of Council’s Strategic Planning on (02) 9562 1683.