The Department of Planning and Environment and Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel is currently exhibiting a Planning Proposal for 146-154 O’Riordan Street, Mascot.

What is a Planning Proposal?

A planning proposal can be used to amend a Local Environment Plan (LEP), rezone land so it can be used for a new purpose, or change the development standards that apply to the land.

What is being proposed?

This Planning Proposal is seeking to amend the Bayside LEP 2021 which applies to land at 146-154 O'Riordan Street, by:

  • increasing the maximum permitted building height on the western portion of the site from 22m to 44m; and
  • introducing a building height plane control to apply to the northern and eastern boundaries of the site.

The proposed LEP amendments are intended to facilitate a mixed-use scheme for the site, comprising:

  • 253 hotel rooms;
  • 562 serviced apartments;
  • 288m2 of restaurant floor space; and
  • 906m2 of retail floor space.

Have Your Say

The Planning Proposal is now on public exhibition on the NSW Planning Portal. You can view all relevant documentation and make your submission via the link below:

Submissions close 18 August 2022.

Further Information

For further information about the Planning Proposal, please contact Bailey Williams from NSW Department of Planning & Environment on 8275 1306.


Background information

The Planning Proposal includes the same proposed controls as a previous Planning Proposal for this site which was considered by Bayside Council. This previous Planning Proposal was originally submitted to Council in December 2018 and later considered by Council at a meeting in August 2019, where it was endorsed to proceed to a Gateway Determination and public exhibition. Following the exhibition of the Planning Proposal between July and August 2020, a report was considered by Council in December 2020. It was resolved that the proposed LEP amendments were not to be adopted.

The proponent then resubmitted the Planning Proposal to Council in the same form in May 2021. On 3 November 2021, Council resolved not to support this Planning Proposal proceeding to a Gateway Determination.

Following this resolution, the proponent for the site submitted the Planning Proposal to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) for a ‘Rezoning Review’. This review process allows proponents to seek a review of the strategic and site-specific merits of a Planning Proposal by an independent body, if it is not supported by Council or no determination is made within a certain period of time.

On 10 March 2022, the Panel considered the Planning Proposal and determined that it demonstrated strategic and site-specific merit and should proceed to a Gateway Determination. The Panel resolved to appoint itself as the Planning Proposal Authority, in place of Council.

You can view the project page for the previous proposal considered by Council here.