
Background Information

19 April 2023

Since the early 2000’s, there have been a number of proposals to rezone the area known as Cooks Cove, which includes Kogarah Golf Course and parcels of Council owned land.

This Planning Proposal seeks a rezoning of the site to facilitate a logistics and warehousing precinct together with supporting uses such as tourist and visitor accommodation, office and retail.

As Council is the Trust Manager for a portion of the land that is held in a Charitable Trust, Council is not able to assume the role of Planning Proposal Authority (PPA). The PPA for this proposal is the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel (the Panel) and the Department of Planning and Environment will be the Local Plan-Making Authority (LPMA).

On the 5th of August, the Department of Planning and Environment, issued a Gateway Determination for the Planning Proposal allowing it to proceed to exhibition, subject to conditions, which includes exhibition.