Project Background

Bayside Council is proposing to enter into a Planning Agreement with the landowner and developer, Princeton Capstack Pty Ltd ATF Princeton Botany Equity Trust, regarding Development Application 2017/1243 at 1637-1647 Botany Road, Botany.

The benefit of the proposed Planning Agreement

The draft Planning Agreement's public benefit outcome is a $100,000 monetary contribution to the Council for public purposes relating to the upgrading of Lenthen Lane, including civil works and public domain improvements (in lieu of providing a through-site link to Rancom Street).

You can review the Draft Planning Agreement here.

Feedback Form

You are required to register to submit your feedback on the Draft VPA

Next steps

Submissions will inform the final Planning Agreement.

More information

For more information, please contact Council's Manager of Strategic Planning or email


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Have your say

You are invited to provide feedback on the Draft Planning Agreement in the following ways:

2d barcodeOnline: Click the online Feedback Form above.

cupHard copy: Submit a hard copy submission to one of our Customer Service Centres.

Opening hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday at:

Eastgardens Service Centre, Ground Floor, 152 Bunnerong Road, Eastgardens NSW 2036 or
Rockdale Service Centre, 444-446 Princes Highway, Rockdale NSW 2216


envelopePost: Bayside Council, PO Box 21, Rockdale NSW 2216.

Attention: Manager Strategic Planning and quoting reference F24/215

The closing date for submissions is 10 February 2025

In accordance with legislative requirements, a Political Donation Disclosure Statement must accompany your submission if you have made a reportable political donation or gift within the past two years. Click here to download the Disclosure Statement.



Simplified Chinese translation:




ह्याभ योर से इन योर ल्याङ्गवेज अर्थात तपाईको भाषामा तपाईको भनाई राख्नुहोस्

ह्याभ योर सेवेबसाईटमा भएका सबै जानकारिहरु सजिलै अनुवाद गर्न सकिन्छ । वेवसाईटमा जानुहोस् र तपाईको भाषा छान्न र सहभागि हुन‘English’ ‘इङ्गलिश’ लेखिएकोमा ठाउँमा थिच्नुहोस् ।



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