Draft Delivery Program 2022-2026, Operational Plan & Budget 2023/24 (including Draft Fees & Charges 2023/24), and Long-Term Financial Plan

Council's Integrated Planning and Reporting framework (IP&R) creates a roadmap and clear vision to deliver on the community priorities and aspirations detailed in the Community Strategic Plan - Bayside 2032. These key documents guide the Council's operations through long, medium, and short-term plans and actions.

Annual review of key strategic documents

Each year Council is required to review its four-year Delivery Program, develop an annual Operational Plan & Budget (including Fees & Charges) and review the Long-Term Financial Plan.

2022-23 was a successful year that saw Council deliver on a range of commitments contained in the program. This year, Council is focused on building on this momentum by continuing to deliver on the community's vision through the following documents:

Four-year Delivery Program 2022-2026

This is year two of the four-year Delivery Program 2022-2026. Council is not proposing any changes to the Delivery Program.

Annual Operational Plan & Budget 2023/24

The Operational Plan & Budget for 2023/24 is informed by what the community has told us is valued, and sets out the actions Council will take over the coming year to progress the implementation of the Delivery Program and how they will be funded.

Click here to view the Draft Operational Plan & Budget 2023/24.

Click here to view the overview of the Draft Fees and Charges for 2023/24.

You may also be interested in specific elements of our Operational Plan, such as our:

Long-Term Financial Plan

The Long-Term Financial Plan is a high-level financial strategy that ensures we have the planning in place to sustainably meet the needs of our community now and into the future.

Click here to view the Draft Long-Term Financial Plan 2024-2033.

Have your say

Council is inviting community feedback on the following draft documents:

Tell us if the priorities, commitments and actions in these documents reflect your aspirations for Bayside.

You can provide your feedback in the following ways:

Online: Click here to complete the online submission form

Email: haveyoursay@bayside.nsw.gov.au

Post: Bayside Council, PO Box 21, Rockdale NSW 2216

In-person: hard copy submissions can be hand delivered to our Customer Service Centres below:

Eastgardens Customer Service Centre, 152 Bunnerong Road, Eastgardens NSW 2036

Rockdale Customer Service Centre, 444-446 Princes Highway, Rockdale NSW 2216

If providing feedback via post or delivering a submission in person, please quote DRAFT DPOP 2023/24 at the beginning of your submission.

The closing date for submissions is Thursday 8 June 2023.

Mayor's Mobile Offices

You are invited to speak with the Mayor and your ward Councillors about the draft documents at the following mobile offices (no appointment necessary):

Saturday 3 June9am - 9.45amChurch Avenue, Mascot
Saturday 3 June10am - 10.45amEastgardens Library
Saturday 3 June11.30am - 12.15pmBay Street, Brighton
Tuesday 6 June3.30pm - 4.15pmBexley North Library
Tuesday 6 June5pm - 5.45pmRockdale Library

Community information session

If you would like to participate in a community information session, register your interest here.

Next steps

All feedback will be considered before the documents are finalised. The final documents will be submitted to Council for adoption in late June 2023.

Further information

For more information, please contact Council's Officer, Fausto Sut, Manager Governance & Risk, at governance@bayside.nsw.gov.au.


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Please rate how satisfied you are with the following documents: Required
Very satisfied
Highly unsatisfied
Draft Operational Plan and Budget 2023/24 and overview of changes?
Draft Fees and Charges 2023/24 and supplementary overview?
Revised Long-Term Financial Plan?
Program of Events and Festivals

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Would you like to be notified of upcoming information sessions on the strategic documents currently on exhibition: Required

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Total Votes: 4