We believe all children have the right to feel safe and be safe.

We acknowledge the lifelong impact any form of abuse can have on children and young people and we strive to keep them safe whilst engaging with our services.

We work closely with our workforce, children, families, and specialist agencies to create a community where all children feel valued and safe. Our ongoing training strengthens awareness and accountability to identify and mitigate risks to child safety.

As a registered agency under the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act, we are implementing the NSW Child Safe Standards. The standards guide organisations to create cultures, adopt strategies and act to put the interests of children first to keep them safe from harm.

What's Happening Now?

This draft action plan which includes the 10 standards and how we will deliver on them, is currently on exhibition for community information. Please review the 10 standards and if you would like to comment please visit our feedback page.

Feedback Form

Review the plan and provide any feedback

Child Safe Standards

The Child-Safe Standards recommended by the Royal Commission provide a framework for ensuring organisations are safe for children.

Please view below to read the ten Child Safe Standards.

(Translated resources in Hindi, Simplified Chinese, Greek, Vietnamese and Korean are also available below)

Translations and Accessibility Services

Translation and Access Services

For a free interpreter
Please call the Translation and Interpreter Service on 131 450 and ask for Bayside Council in NSW.


Please contact the National Relay Service.
Voice Relay number:
1300 555 727
TTY number:
133 677
SMS relay number:
0423 677 767

For more accessibility features click the purple icon at the top of the page.


If you would like the key information and submission form in another format, please contact us on 9562 1597.


Easy English and Hard Copy
Easy to read and hard copy versions of the key documents are available upon request. Please contact Council's Community Engagement team via:
(02) 9562 1597


Simplified Chinese translation:




ह्याभ योर से इन योर ल्याङ्गवेज अर्थात तपाईको भाषामा तपाईको भनाई राख्नुहोस्

ह्याभ योर सेवेबसाईटमा भएका सबै जानकारिहरु सजिलै अनुवाद गर्न सकिन्छ ।

haveyoursay.bayside.nsw.gov.au वेवसाईटमा जानुहोस् र तपाईको भाषा छान्न र सहभागि हुन‘English’ ‘इङ्गलिश’ लेखिएकोमा ठाउँमा थिच्नुहोस् ।



在我們的 ‘发表您的意見‘ 網站上,所有的信息都可以輕鬆翻譯。

訪問haveyoursay.bayside.nsw.gov.au 并点击 ‘English’ 按钮,然后选择您的语言即可参



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