
Thank you for your feedback on the draft Strategy. Click here to read the Community Engagement Outcomes Report.

Council adopted the revised Bayside Community Engagement and Communications Strategy on 23 November 2022. Click here to read the new Strategy.


Council is committed to engaging with the community in an inclusive, transparent and accountable way to make fair and equitable decisions that reflect the needs and aspirations of the community. The Strategy has been reviewed and revised in consultation with the Bayside community to ensure a strong framework that will guide Council's engagement and communication activities over the next four years.

The Strategy

The draft Engagement and Communications Strategy has been designed to clearly state how and when the community will be engaged in Council’s decision-making processes so that we can shape a future for Bayside that reflects community aspirations and meets local needs.

The Strategy includes:

  • principles that will guide our approach to engagement
  • the activities or decisions Council will engage the community on
  • the level of influence the community will have
  • the methods we will use to seek your input
  • notification and engagement timeframes for each type of engagement we undertake
  • strategies to engage our diverse community to ensure we hear from a range of people that are representative of Bayside's demography

This will ensure a consistent, inclusive, transparent and accountable approach to engagement and decision-making at Bayside.

Community engagement to inform the draft Strategy

Over the past few months, Council consulted with the community to better understand how people prefer to receive information and how we can enhance how we engage this diverse community in shaping the future of Bayside. Council also reviewed feedback received from the Bayside Community Satisfaction Survey undertaken in 2019 and the review of the Bayside Community Strategic Plan in 2022. A comprehensive community engagement report will be published following the exhibition of the draft Strategy.

Have your say

Tell us your thoughts on the draft Strategy. You can provide your feedback in the following ways:

Online: Complete the online submission form below.

Hard copy: Submit hard copy submissions to one of our customer service centres which are open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm:

Eastgardens Service Centre, Ground floor,152 Bunnerong Road, Eastgardens NSW 2036

Rockdale Service Centre, 444-446 Princes Highway, Rockdale NSW 2216

Email: haveyoursay@bayside.nsw.gov.au
Post: Bayside Council, PO Box 21, Rockdale NSW 2216.
In-person: Come and speak directly to the Mayor and Councillors at our Mayor's Mobile Offices.

Mayor's Mobile Office locations:

he Mayor Dr Christina Curry and ward Councillors will be available to talk about the draft Strategy and other local issues. No appointment needed, just turn up:

Rockdale Library: Tuesday 18 October, 3.30 - 4.30pm

Bexley North Library: Tuesday 18 October, 5 - 6pm

Eastgardens Library: Saturday 22 October, 9 - 10am

Arncliffe Train Station entry, Firth St: Saturday 22 October, 11am - 12pm

Brighton Le Sands, Cnr Bay St and Trafalgar St: Saturday 22 October, 12.30 - 1.30pm

Talking Bayside Webinar

Free webinar, Tuesday 25 October at 1pm, register at bit.ly/talking-bayside.

The last day to submit your feedback is Thursday 27 October 2022.

Next steps

Your feedback will inform the final Strategy which will be presented to Council for adoption by the end of the year.

More information

For more information, please contact Council's Community Engagement team on 9562 1597 or email haveyoursay@bayside.nsw.gov.au.


For more accessibility features click the purple icon at the top of the page. If you would like the draft Strategy and submission form in another format, please contact us on 9562 1597.


Submission form - Draft Community Engagement and Communications Strategy

CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

Migrant Information Day Survey

MID Survey

CLOSED: This survey has concluded.