It is recommended that the Rockdale s94A Plan (now known as s7.12) be amended to include Barton Park as a project in its works schedule at an amount that will address the construction cost escalation, reduce borrowings from the funding strategy and establish contingency.


The Ministerial Direction of May 2020 in relation to pooling across contribution plans can be relied upon to bring forward funding for the Barton Park project from the Rockdale s94A Plan.

On the 27July 2022, Council resolved:

  1. That Council approves the public exhibition of a draft Amendment to the Rockdale s94A Developer Contributions Plan to include embellishment of Barton Park as a project in the Works List.
  2. That Council approves the use of $19.65M from the Rockdale s94A Developer Contributions Plan to fund (in part) proposed upgrades to Barton Park.
  3. That Council notes that a Direction issued by the Minister for Planning on 18 May 2020, under s7.17 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 is still in force and confirms that Council can pool contributions to fund the proposed works.

The draft Amendment and Table of Changes

You can view the draft Amendment here and the table of changes here.

Have Your Say

You can submit your feedback in the following ways:

  • Online: Use the submission form below.
  • Mail: Post your submission to Att: John Furestad, Bayside Council, PO Box 21 Rockdale 2216

Submissions close Monday 5 September 2022.

What Happens next?

Submissions will inform the final Plan.

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The Draft amendment to the Rockdale s94 Contributions Plan survey has now concluded