Free Webinar: Older People, Home Care and Recommendation that People over 70 self-isolate
Older Peoples Advocacy Network has received numerous calls about how COVID-19 is affecting aged care delivered at home (home care), and about the new Government recommendations that people over 70 self-isolate.
These concerns and others will be addressed in Session 2 of COVID-19 and what it means for people in Aged Care. This free webinar will take place on Wednesday 1 April at 2pm (AEDT).
For more information and to register:
Coronavirus Health Information
Australian Government Department of Health -
Central and Eastern Sydney Public Health Network -
GP Afterhours - Health Direct and after hours GP helpline - 1800 022 222
Cancer Council -
My Age Care and Help in the Home Services
Urgent or immediate 'Help in the Home' services can be put in place for up to six weeks for people affected by COVID-19 or in self-isolation. This could include Meals on Wheels or other services.
If it is for longer than 6 weeks, an assessment will be made by the Regional Assessment Service or Aged Care Assessment Team - a service provider will arrange this. You will still need to make sure that you are registered with My Age Care by calling 1800 200 422
FREE help is provided by the Council of the Ageing NSW
- Ph: 8268 9601 or 0438 431 817
- Email:
Aged and Disability Support
Randwick Meals on Wheels - Frozen food and hot meals available for people over 65 or with a disability - Ph: 9661 3781.
St George Meals on Wheels - For frozen and hot meals delivered to you call 9584 1286 or 9584 2738, or email
South East Community Connect - Aged and reablement services -
Better Connected Community Services
Woolworths Priority Assistance Service - service for vulnerable customers with dedicated delivery windows -
Sydney Multicultural Services - Specialised support services for people from CALD comunities -
Food and Meals for Older Australians -
Mental Health
It is important to look after your mental health during these times. Have a look at these tips from Beyond Blue:
- Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak
- Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak
Australian Government 'Stay Smart Online' - for the most up to date information on scams in Australia - or call 1300 292 371