THANK YOU ! Due to a great response, we have currently closed registrations to busk at Bay Street at this stage.

If you would like further information please email

Council is closing part of Bay Street Brighton-Le-Sands this February 2023.

We are taking it to the streets and closing part of the road and pedestrianizing the space, we want to liven the space for locals, and visitors, and bring some colour and fun to Bay Street. Local cafes and businesses will be expanding their footway trading space to create a bustling space for people to gather and relax over the summers,

As part of livening the space we are looking for buskers of all types, so if you have a skill or talent you need to show the world, come on down to Bay Street this February.


All you need to register to busk and tell us a bit about yourself, upload or send us a link to your act, and let us know your preferred date and time and we will be in touch. Fill in the form found below.

What dates and times are available?

Busking locations will be available to registered and approved performers, for the following time slots (allocated by Council):

Saturday 11, 18 & 25 February: 11am - 2pm / 2pm - 5pm / 6pm - 9pm

Sunday 12, 19 & 26 February: 11am - 2pm / 2pm - 5pm / 6pm - 9pm

Other information you need to know

If you are a public performer, it is a requirement that you have your own public liability insurance. For more information, you can visit

We appreciate there are costs associated with busking, Council will provide a stipend of $250.00 per session to approved applicants

Need more information?

To send us a question, please see below.

Apply here

Bay St Busking Application Form - Draft

Which day(s) are you available to perform? Pick one, multiple or all. Required
When is your preferred time to perform? Required
For performers who require amplification, performers will need to provide their own battery-operated amp as no electricity power outlets will be available (tick the box) Required
Do you agree to adhere to the Busking guidelines? Required
Are you 15 years of age or over?  Required
Are you solo or multiple person act ? Required
How much space to do you need? Required
How would you describe your performance? Required
Will you be bringing equipment? Required

Provide a short description of your performance

Got a question for us?

The consultation has concluded.