Thank you to the community for providing their feedback on the Booralee Park Playspace Renewal and Fitness Station.

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The Proposal

Council has developed a concept plan for the renewal of Booralee Park. The playspace will cater for 2 - 12yo, with exciting new play equipment.

The concept plan also includes the installation of an outdoor fitness station.

Some of the key changes include:

  • Replacement of existing play equipment with new contemporary play equipment and activities
  • Accessible path connecting from Daniel Street to the playspaces
  • A fitness station, catering to all ages and levels of fitness.

Council is now seeking community feedback on the concept design.

Click here to view the concept design.

Community Snapshot & Outcomes

Since launching our Community Engagement, 13 May – 1 July 2024, Council is excited to share the feedback we have received on the concept plan to renew the playspace for Booralee Park.

View below or click the detailed 'Snapshot &Outcomes report' to find out how Bayside Council is responding to community input.

Community Snapshot

Your playspace, your say.

Thank you for providing your feedback, to help co-design the playspace and fitness station for you, your family and the community to enjoy.

Booralee Park Playspace Concept Plan

Booralee Park Playspace and Fitness Location

map of booralee park and the location of the fitness station, and the sign that bay street playground will be demolished